
MeHello, pretty girl.
ElenaHm. Just where did you escape from?
ElenaWhat did you want?
MeThey say you are revolting against the King?
ElenaMy father has decided that it's time we defended ourselves.
ElenaThe militia never helped us anyway. They only came here to drag off our provisions.
MeWhat kind of work is to be had here on the farm?
ElenaMy father pays money to all the men who help defend the farm.
ElenaAre you interested? You don't look like someone who has a passion for field labor.
MeHow much does your father pay?
ElenaYou'd have to negotiate that with him.
ElenaAll I know is that each mercenary here gets paid every day.
MeAre there any rules here that I should stick to?
ElenaYou don't touch anything here that isn't yours.
ElenaYou stay away from areas that are none of your business.
ElenaAnd if you must pick a fight, stick to the mercenaries.
ElenaIf you start a brawl with the farmers, everybody here will be against you.
MeWhat's your job here?
ElenaI sell the goods that we produce. If you want to buy something, just let me know.
ElenaBut let me warn you. I won't stand for either haggling or stealing, understood?
MeShow me your wares!
ElenaWhat can I offer you?
MeHas anything significant happened lately?
ElenaA few days ago, my father decreed that we're no longer allowed to sell anything in town.
ElenaSo now I'm staying here on the farm and selling my wares to visitors only.
ElenaThe militia attacks on the neighboring farms are getting more frequent. Only a question of time until my father will intervene.
ElenaThe land has become quite unsafe. Now no one ventures beyond his own fields. It's been a long time since any of us has been to town.
ElenaThe mercenaries have become more and more restless. But since Sylvio and his boys have left, they seem to relax a little.
ElenaEverybody keeps talking about the impending orc attack. But I don't really believe in that. I think we're safe from them here on the farm.
MeYou're selling mine shares?
ElenaSo what. I paid an arm and a leg for them myself.