
MeHow's it going?
JuanWhat do you want? Have you got anything to say to me? If not, you can just go away.
JuanOtherwise my friend will make mincemeat of you. So what is it?
MeThey say you have some interesting wares to offer...
JuanSo what. Esteban wants to jerk me around, eh? I do all the work and hide away here for days in this miserable hole...
Juan...and he just sends someone to fetch the stuff? I'm not a warehouse!
MeYeah, and? That isn't my problem.
JuanBut I'm MAKING it your problem. You want the delivery - fine, you can pay for it!
JuanGet the gold from Esteban or Raven or I don't know where. I don't care. Whoever wants these goods will pay for them!
MeI don't come from Esteban!
JuanOh? Well then... eh ... Just a moment! Hold still for a bit, you have a critter on your shoulder.