
MeDon't I know you? You are Cor Angar. You used to be a templar in the swamp camp.
Angar(resigned) Call me Angar. I have set aside my title. The Brotherhood of the Sleeper has disbanded.
AngarCurious, but you seem somehow familiar to me. Yet, I cannot quite recall you.
MeWhat's the matter with you?
Angar(dismissively) Oh. I haven't been able to sleep properly for some time. These constant nightmares.
MeThe Brotherhood of the Sleeper has been enslaved by evil.
MeYour former friends from the swamp camp roam the land wearing black robes and feeling really irritated by anything that moves.
AngarWhat are you talking about?
MeThey serve the enemy now and are nothing but soulless warriors of evil.
AngarBy all the gods. Would that I had not allowed myself to be blinded so. That will never happen to me again, that I swear.
MeHow did you get here?
AngarAfter the collapse of the magic barrier, I hid myself in the mountains. It became time for me to do something.
AngarI strayed about for days, until I suddenly awoke in the castle. Do not ask me what happened. I don't know.
AngarTo make matters worse, I have also lost the amulet which I have had for years. I shall go mad if I do not find it again.
MeWhere exactly did you lose your amulet?
AngarSomewhere in the south, shortly before I awoke here in the castle.
AngarIt must be here somewhere.
AngarI suspect it was stolen. I absolutely must have it back.
MeWhat happened to the others from the swamp camp?
AngarThe last thing I remember is that the Barrier collapsed, accompanied by a nerve-shattering scream.
AngarStricken with panicked fear, we fell to the ground, writhing in pain. That voice. It grew ever louder.
AngarAnd then when it was over, they all ran mad and disappeared into the bleak night, screaming loudly.
AngarI have not seen them again.
MeWhat will you do next?
AngarI shall rest a while first, so that I may take up the search for my lost amulet.
AngarI have heard something of dragons.
AngarIt is also being said that many warriors have come to the Valley of Mines to hunt them.
AngarI am thinking of joining them.
MeI found your amulet.
AngarThank you. I thought I would never see it again.
MeWhat makes it so special for you?
AngarIt was a gift.
MeI see.
MeWhat are you planning to do now?
AngarGet out of this accursed valley.
AngarPerhaps we shall meet again. Farewell.
MeMaybe I can help you find your amulet.
AngarWhy not. Some help cannot hurt.
MeWhat about the dragon hunters?
AngarI will speak with them later. Maybe they can use a strong arm.
MeWhen will you go?
AngarAs soon as I feel better.
MeWhere do you want to look?
AngarI shall go to the south, where I was last.
AngarThere is a cave tomb there, surrounded by many boulders.
MeI've got to go.
AngarWatch your back.
MeIs something wrong?
AngarDo you hear that? Never in my life have I heard such a dreadful noise!
MeWhat do you mean? I don't hear a thing!
AngarThe whole area here stinks of death and destruction. The putrid creatures guard the rocky entrance to the crypt in front of us.
AngarSomething ghastly is concealing itself in there and sending its henchmen to the surface of this world.
AngarI am almost certain that my amulet was lost somewhere here.
MeHave you talked to the dragon hunters?
AngarYes. But I had expected a fellowship like the one we had in the Swamp Camp.
AngarThe boys are nothing but a wild, motley collection of idiots. It's nothing for me.
MeWhat's hiding in the cave in the rocks?
AngarSomething will not let me get close to the entrance!
AngarIt is guarded by a magical creature. I have seen it at night, searching the area. A disgusting thing.
AngarIt glides back and forth between the trees, and you get the impression that it sucks up all life in its surroundings like a sponge.
MeLet's go together.
AngarI shall try it. But be careful.
Angar(bellows) Only death and destruction. I must get out of here.
Angar(whispers) There it is! Do you hear that?
MeWhat's the matter?
AngarI cannot go farther with you.
AngarSomething tells me that I will never get out of here alive.
AngarI can't explain it, but ...
AngarI have to get out of this accursed land as quickly as possible, otherwise I'm going to suffer the same fate as my brethren.
AngarEvery time I face one of these ... hellspawn, I have the feeling that I am fighting my own people.
MeAngar? What are you doing here?
AngarI was on my way to the pass when I bumped into the orcs. I couldn't shake off the god-forsaken brutes.
AngarI'll wait a while and then move across the pass. I'll see you on the other side!
MeI don't like to leave you alone!
AngarSure. Off you go. I'll see you.