
KurganHey, you! Fellows like you should watch where they're going.
MeWhat are you trying to tell me?
KurganI mean that the air out here isn't good for your health. The place is just swarming with orcs and monsters.
KurganNot to mention the dragons. It's just a well-intentioned warning.
MeCan you tell me anything I don't know already?
KurganI can give you a good piece of advice, and it's even free.
KurganWe can't use anyone here who faints dead away at the slightest dragon fart.
KurganGo home, this is a job for real men.
MeAre you the boss here?
KurganDo I look like it? Certainly not. We don't need any self-important jerk ordering us around.
KurganWhen Sylvio tried to act like he was the boss, we showed him and his buddies what we thought of that.
KurganThere was a brawl. In the end, they left on their own.
KurganI hope Sylvio wound up in the soup kettle of some orc.
Me(mocking) So you want to kill dragons?
KurganSmart ass. So do you know how to bring down a dragon?
KurganDo you think the beast will just sit there quietly while you chop off its head?
KurganSomething like that takes good planning and decisive action.
MeI see. And how are you going to go about that?
KurganFirst we'll scout out where we can find the beasts.
KurganOnly then will we think about the best way to attack.
MeI think you won't even find a blind sheep.
KurganWhat? Do you want me to push in your stupid face?
MeHow are you going to get past the orcs?
KurganWe'll worry about those details later.
MeI'd love to watch you do that, but I've got to be on my way.
KurganGet yourself back over the pass. Otherwise you may end up missing a limb or two.
MeHave you seen a dragon yet?
KurganNot so far. But the beasts can't hide forever.
MeThe dragons are dead.
KurganHa, who's supposed to have killed them then? The paladins?
MeI did.
Kurgan(laughs) Hah. You don't believe that yourself. Quit yanking my chain.