
HokurnDo you have anything to drink?
MeI assume that it's not water you want.
HokurnNo, damnit!! I need something alcoholic so I can finally get rid of these damned headaches.
HokurnWhen I haven't had anything to drink for a while, my skull feels like it's going to explode at any moment.
MeThere's nothing I can give you.
HokurnThen scram!
MeOne more thing ...
Hokurn(bellows) Didn't you understand me? PISS OFF!!!
MeIt's important.
Hokurn(bellows) You asked for it.
Hokurn(burps) Ha, that hit the spot.
HokurnSo, now I can think clearly again. What can I do for you?
MeHere, take this.
MeI brought you something to drink.
Hokurn(greedy) Gimme!!
MeI need some information.
Hokurn(annoyed) I thought you understood me. I only talk to friends.
HokurnAnd friends offer you something to drink. Got it? Now scram!
MeI'm looking for someone who can teach me something.
HokurnI could teach you a few things. I'm the best fighter for miles around.
HokurnSince we're friends, I'll give you a special price. 300 gold pieces.
MeThat's too expensive for me.
HokurnToo expensive? That's less than anyone else in my place would charge.
HokurnThink about it.
MeAll right, here's the money.
MeHere's your money. I want to be trained.
HokurnYou won't be sorry!
MeHere's something to drink for you.
HokurnI'm feeling a lot better. I'm ready for anything.
MeLet's start with the training.
HokurnFirst bring me something to drink!
HokurnThen we'll see what we can get out of your rusty paladin bones, hey?
HokurnWhat do you know. Even magicians use close combat weapons.
HokurnYou don't need a teacher for this discipline any more.
MeWhat are you doing here anyway?
HokurnI don't have any idea what we're doing here or when it'll start.
HokurnAnd I don't care as long as I have enough to drink.
MeDo you know where the dragons are then?
HokurnWhat's in it for me, if I tell you?
MeNothing, I'm looking for them myself.
HokurnYou'd better watch out. You've got a hell of a fight in front of you.
MeI'd be willing to pay you for that information.
HokurnPay me? Hmm. I'll give you the information for 200 gold pieces.
MeToo much!
HokurnThen forget it.
MeDeal. Here's the money!
MeI've still got a bottle of gin!
HokurnI'd fight every dragon in the world for a fine vintage.
HokurnAgreed. Give me the bottle!
HokurnI'll keep that for a rainy day.
MeAll right, now, where are those dragons?
HokurnNaturally, I can't tell you anything precise, but I've heard that there are supposed to be four dragons.
HokurnWe've seen a red glow over the highest mountain at night.
HokurnI swear by my mother, if you're looking for a dragon, then you'll definitely find one there.
MeI've killed all the dragons.
HokurnTake a hike and tell your fairy tales to someone else.