
MeHow's it look?
OwenWho are YOU? Are you one of the bandits?
MeDo I look like one?
OwenYou're wearing our clothes, but I don't know you.
OwenTo be honest, you do.
OwenNo. Judging from your clothes, you've come a long way.
MeWhat are you doing here?
OwenI'm cutting wood for our camp.
OwenI'm slaving away here, almost breaking my back, and back in camp they're all lounging in the sun.
OwenIf I had known all this in advance, I'd never have become a pirate.
MeHenry is waiting for the wood he needs for the palisade.
OwenFirst I want to find out what has happened to my buddy Malcolm.
OwenLook, relax. I'll bring him that stupid wood sooner or later.
OwenGo and tell him that.
MeWhat's up?
OwenMy buddy Malcolm has disappeared.
OwenOne of those filthy lurkers attacked us.
OwenSo we fled into this cave.
OwenBut that lurker came after us.
OwenMalcolm fought with it, and then they both fell into that hole over there.
OwenSeems to be full of water.
OwenThe lurker and Malcolm continued to fight down there for a while. Then it went quiet.
OwenI've no idea whether he's still alive or not.
MeHow do I get down into that crevice?
OwenBeats me. You can either climb down or jump, I suppose.
MeYour pal Malcolm is dead.
OwenI thought as much. Poor devil. I should have helped him after all.
OwenYou're really brave, you know that?
OwenI couldn't have done that with the crevice.