
LariusWhat's your business here? If you want something, make an appointment.
MeWho are you?
LariusI am Larius, the local governor.
LariusEven if it may not seem so at the moment, I am the most powerful man in the city.
MeSo you're in charge here?
LariusI ... well ... at the moment my hands are tied.
LariusThat Lord Hagen is in command here, for as long as he is in the city at any rate.
MeI didn't mean to intrude.
LariusYou have failed utterly at that. So go away!
MeHow's it going?
LariusWhat business is it of yours? As long as the paladins are in the city, Lord Hagen takes care of all the affairs that concern the city.
MeThe judge hired some thugs to assault you. I can prove it.
LariusDon't talk such nonsense, or do you want me to have you put in chains?
LariusEven if you are a warrior of Innos ...
LariusEven if you are an ordained magician ...
LariusMy word still has weight in this city. Do not dare to sully the honorable name of the judge ever again!