
SalandrilWelcome, traveler. Looking for a fine potion?
SalandrilI have a large selection and reasonable prices. And my potions are much better than the stuff that Zuris sells.
SalandrilI've heard you were with the paladins in the Valley of Mines. I'm impressed.
SalandrilYou should take your time and browse my goods. Right now, I have a very special potion to offer.
MeShow me your wares.
SalandrilIt's my pleasure, reverend brother.
SalandrilIt's my pleasure, noble warrior.
MeYou go to the monastery now to be judged.
SalandrilWhat? Have you gone off your rocker? Like hell I will. Those miserable magicians don't have the slightest proof against me.
MeAnd what about those fake ore mining shares you've huckstered all over the country? They bear your signature. You're guilty.
MeI have my orders, and I'm going to carry them out. So either you go now, or I'll make you.
SalandrilWhat? I'll drag you through town by your collar like a filthy rag.
MeSo are you going to the monastery now, or should I give you another ...?
SalandrilYou'll live to regret to this. Yes, damnit, I'll go to that monastery, but don't you think you'll get away with this.