
MeWhat are you doing here?
GarvellI'm building a ship because I want to get out of here - as fast as I can.
GarvellBut the way it looks right now, this ship will never be finished.
MeWhy are you in such a hurry?
GarvellSoon the orcs will come and burn down the city.
MeWhat makes you think that?
GarvellBoy, have you noticed the paladins running around everywhere? Why do you think they're here?
GarvellI tell you, they're here because the orcs will attack soon. And that won't be pretty.
MeWhy can't you finish your ship?
Garvell(dismissively) Oh, we have thousands of problems. The hull still isn't stable, and it's still missing a lot of boards.
GarvellBut I have hardly any gold left to buy new material with, and the last delivery had bugs in it.
GarvellMy boys don't work productively. One wants a fast ship above all else, the other one is worried about the figurehead!
GarvellAs if we didn't have more important things to do!
GarvellAlso, one of my people is simply not showing up for work any more. I'm beginning to fear that this will delay the construction even more.
MeYou're short a worker?
GarvellYes. His name's Monty. He's vanished into thin air.
GarvellThat lazy pig is probably living the high life on a farm somewhere. I should never have paid him in advance.
MeI've heard that other people have gone missing, too.
GarvellJust what I'm saying. That's where the evil starts.
GarvellFarim the fisherman told me something similar. His buddy William is no longer around.
GarvellI bet that the orcs are behind all this.
MeWhere can I find this Farim?
GarvellHe's a fisherman. I think that his hut is near the provisions store of the paladins. But I don't know for sure.
MeWhen was the last time you saw Monty?
Garvell(angrily) He hasn't bothered to show up for work for at least two days.
MeAnd, how's it going NOW?
GarvellMonty is back! He's busy studying the plans.
GarvellMaybe we can get the ship done now ...
MeCan I help you somehow?
GarvellYes you can. Find out what the paladins are planning. I want to know why they're here.
GarvellAnd I have to know if the orcs will attack - and how far from the city they are.
GarvellOne of the bastards was even seen outside the city.
GarvellJust bring me all the information you can get.
GarvellI need to know how much time I have left to finish the boat.
GarvellGood. If you find out more, let me know.
GarvellThanks for the information. The way it looks, we have all the time in the world for building our ship.
MeI've got some information about the orcs.
GarvellLet's hear it.
MeThey're stuck in the Valley of Mines, and it looks like they're going to stay there.
MeTo be on the safe side, the paladins are guarding the pass.
MeI know why the paladins are here.
GarvellReally? Tell me!
MeThe paladins are here to get the magical ore from the Valley of Mines, not because they expect the orcs to attack the city.
MeAs soon as they've got the ore, they're going to return to the mainland.
MeAs to that orc outside of town ...
GarvellYeees ... ?
MeDon't worry about him. The city guard is going to take care of him.
MeWhat's going on at the harbor?
GarvellThe orcs are breathing down our necks and you're asking about the harbor?
MeI only wanted to ...
GarvellThe biggest problem we have is that there aren't enough ships in the harbor to get us out of here.
GarvellTo be honest, there's only one ship here, and that belongs to the paladins. They certainly won't let us get out of here with it.
GarvellLook around for yourself, there's nothing going on here.