
RupertHello, stranger!
RupertYou must be hungry and thirsty - can I perhaps interest you in my wares?
MeI was actually on my way to see the paladins ...
RupertThere's little chance of that. Since the paladins made themselves at home in the upper end of town, hardly anyone gets in there any more.
MeCan you help me get into the upper quarter?
RupertMe? No, I don't have much say here myself!
RupertThere are only a few people here in the lower city who have enough influence to get you past the guards.
RupertMatteo, my boss, is one of them. Maybe you should talk to him.
MeWhere can I find Matteo?
RupertYou're standing right outside his shop. Just go on in. He's practically always there.
MeWhat about the other influential citizens?
RupertThe merchants and master craftsmen here on the main street are the most important figures in the city.
RupertYou should try to get accepted by one of them as an apprentice - like me.
RupertSince I started working for Matteo, the people in the city treat me with respect!
MeI need some money, and I'm looking for work.
RupertI've heard that Bosper has trouble with his suppliers. His shop is right over there.
RupertThey say he pays pretty well.
MeWhat do you have to offer?
RupertAt the moment, I don't have much choice.
RupertThe damned landowner doesn't deliver any more, and what we get from the small farms isn't enough to meet the demands of the city.
MeShow me your wares.
RupertI must beg your pardon for my poor selection. A man in your position is certainly used to better.
MeTell me more about the peasants' revolt.
RupertIt's quite simple: Onar, the fat landowner, won't pay any more taxes to the city.
RupertImagine! We're at war with the orcs and the fat slob wants everything for himself!
RupertNormally, the city guard would take firm measures in such cases.
RupertBut now comes the best part: they say Onar has hired mercenaries to keep the troops from the city off his back!
RupertMERCENARIES! The whole thing will end in a damn war! As if ONE war weren't enough!
MeWhat do you know about Onar's mercenaries?
RupertI heard that most of them are former convicts from the mining colony.
RupertAnd their leader is supposed to have been a big shot with the King - a general or something - whom they put away as a traitor!
RupertThese are terrible times.