
SarahAh! There you are again!
MeHow's business?
SarahWhen the paladins came, I first thought that was a good business opportunity.
SarahBut they let Harad make their weapons, and neither Hakon nor I make even one gold piece off of them.
SarahMoreover, the farmers no longer supply us with food, and all the prices have gone up.
SarahIt's only a small consolation that the paladins are paying my hotel bill.
MeWhat's the problem with the farmers?
SarahThey refuse to deliver their goods.
SarahNow that the ships no longer come in, the city depends entirely on supplies provided by the farmers, of course.
SarahAnd Onar, the largest farmer, has hired mercenaries to protect his farm from the city guards. Otherwise, they'd simply snatch the goods for themselves.
SarahBut the mercenaries don't just guard Onar's farm.
SarahThey come as far as the small farms outside of town to intimidate the farmers.
SarahI saw them as I was passing Akil's farm. I wouldn't like to be in his shoes now.
MeWhere will I find Akil's farm?
SarahIf you go out of the east gate here and follow the road to the right, you'll come to a stairway.
SarahIt leads up to Akil's farm.
SarahBut I wouldn't go there now - the mercenaries are certainly still there.
MeShow me your wares.
SarahYou! You dare show your face here! I cannot prove it, but I bet that you played a part in this dirty game.
SarahIt's your fault that I'm here. Yours, and that of this damned Canthar - may Innos punish you!
MeCanthar was trying to trick you, and to get your booth for himself. But I've turned him over to the city guard.
SarahThen you've made an enemy of a dangerous man. I've known the bastard for a long time, and he's always wanted my place for himself.
SarahTake this weapon as a token of my gratitude.